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    Natural catastrophes

    “European collaborations to avoid natural catastrophes and to use renewable energies” Durata del progetto: 1 Settembre 2020 -31 Agosto 2023

    Il Progetto è una Partnership Strategica che coinvolge cinque scuole europee di Germania, Italia, Spagna, Portogallo ed Estonia ed ha visto il coinvolgimento di 24 studenti delle classi quarte e quinte dell’ITT Marco Polo che hanno partecipato agli Student Meeting organizzati di volta in volta presso le scuole partner. I temi del progetto riguardano la sostenibilità ambientale, l'economia circolare e la cittadinanza attiva.
    Gli student meeting si svolgono sui temi e nei Paesi partner del progetto, specificati di seguito:
    Firenze, 4-8 Aprile 2022 – Tema dell’acqua e delle alluvioni
    Lagos, 16-20 Maggio 2022 – Tema della terra e dell’erosione costiera
    Tallin, 3-7 Ottobre 2022 – Tema dell’aria e dell’energia eolica
    Ibiza, 13-17 Marzo 2023 – Tema del fuoco e dell’energia solare
    Biberach, 20-24 Marzo 2023 – Tema dell’acqua e dell’energia geotermica


    “European collaborations to avoid natural catastrophes and to use renewable energies” Duration of the project: September 1st 2020- August 31st 2023

    The goal of this project is to understand the relevance of European collaboration for using renewable energies and avoid natural catastrophes. The project should motivate pupils to be aware of their responsibility for protecting nature and become active European citizens by travelling to other countries and being curious about their solutions concerning the use of renewable energies and avoiding nature catastrophes. By learning more about the details of science and technology the adolescents will have more concrete knowledge to see the difference between news and fake news. Furthermore, they learn to feel comfortable when being in a different country and while welcoming people from other cultures because of their acquired intercultural skills. Europe needs tolerant,open minded, empathic and active young people who experience the enrichment of learning new languages, getting to more knowledge about energy ressources and climate change to take the advantages of a united Europe in the battle against climate change. The topic is important to recognize and realize our responsibility to care about the planet, to use renewables ressources more effectively and adapted in daily life. New ideas from the partner schools, teachers, students and experts from universities will be innovative and helpful. The students will learn about the problems of climate change and the catastrophes taking place in the different countries and search innovative solutions to avoid them.


    pdf Italian RE WATER (4.02 MB)

    pdf Italian RE FIRE (365 KB)

    pdf Italian RE EARTH (366 KB)

    pdf Italian NC WATER (4.26 MB)

    pdf Italian NC WIND (269 KB)

    pdf Italian NC FIRE (420 KB)

    pdf Italian NC EARTH (403 KB)

    pdf English RE WIND (276 KB)