“S.E.A: Schools of Europe Atelier. A sea of opportunities”
Durata del progetto: 1 Giugno 2018- 30 Maggio 2020
L’obiettivo del progetto è favorire l’internazionalizzazione dell’ITT Marco Polo e l’apprendimento di nuove metodologie didattiche anche avvalendosi di strumentazioni tecnologiche innovative. I docenti partecipanti al progetto svolgeranno due settimane di osservazione (Job Shadowing) presso alcune scuole europee selezionate in vari Paesi, tra cui Francia, Spagna, Olanda, Finlandia, Norvegia, Germania, Belgio, al fine di favorire un ambiente professionale moderno e innovativo, aumentare le competenze dei docenti in relazione a metodologiche didattiche all’avanguardia, sviluppare relazioni territoriali con altre scuole a livello europeo, attivare un processo partecipato di soluzione dei problemi grazie all’apporto di nuove competenze e conoscenze acquisite mediante le esperienze di mobilità.
Duration of the project: June 1st 2018 – May 30th 2020
The ITT Marco Polo is a school where there is a vivid desire of teaching by delivering something more than concepts. Students mobility, foreign students in classes, an in progress work about the architecture of spaces in the school, technological innovation, the culture of hospitality of people with less opportunities and diseases, the fight against school drop-out. All these elements are pushing the school to go toward an international and intercultural identity with an inclusive sense of belonging, not only concerning the school community but even all the areas surrounding it. The main aim of the project is to reinforce those fundamental characteristics of the school and to foster its internationalization and the learning process about new methodologies with the use of new technologies as well. To reach this aim, a group of 33 professors through a job shadowing mobility in other European schools in Finland, Norway, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Belgium will experience very new school systems based on different political and structural elements. Coming back in Florence, they will be inspiring new methodologies, good practices about learning environments and technological innovation for their ITT Marco Polo’s colleagues.